Scholastic Arts Awards winning artwork
cover of 2024-2025 Manchester School District high school course catalog
collage of students selected to perform at all-state music festivals
career and technical education student
Matthew Blair
Ms. Sears with NH Education Commissioner
Central class of 2023 marches in graduation ceremony
Central senior Colleen Stankiewicz
Decorative image of an "I Voted" sticker from election day
Central senior Akshay Manchanda poses with Principal Deb Roukey in front of banner reading Central Pride
students hold CelebratED MHT pennants on stage during the 2022 festival
Weston Assistant Principal Rick Chretien, illustrator Ana Liz Bourassa and Superintendent of Schools Jennifer Gillis pose for a photo outside Weston with copies of a book Bourassa illustrated
yellow school busses parked in a row
middle school english language learner students in the the Newcomer Academy program look at an insect net during a visit to the Audubon Society's Pollinator Party